
Half-Life 2 looked atrocious on the original Xbox.

I hope they go back to classic Splinter Cell style... Conviction was fun, but it was no Chaos Theory.

@SynthOno: it's $5 less when it's a new release, but after a while, used copies are far cheaper.

Time is the only reason for which I buy new games.

GT5 looks disgusting in real-time (aka, not replay mode bullshots)

@Brian Crecente: Wow, I was about to order it too... but no split-screen means no buy from me.

I'd actually prefer an HBO miniseries.

I've got the 1-at-a-time unlimited plan and I watch a movie every wednesday and every saturday, so I'm paying $1.3 per Blu-ray.

@SubSeeenix: Hey, can I stereotype your country for being complete idiots? Because, I mean, if you're an idiot, that means everyone in your country is as well.

Anyone who is annoyed by this announcement must not be aware of Valve time.

@RedWaltz: They promised a patch before the weekend.

I'd have died from shock too.

@I_am_error.: lol my card won't go over 70 even while playing a game like Metro 2033

No. People like to have all their games in one platform, and STEAM has the best prices. Not to mention that people trust Valve more than Microsoft.

@AngryFork: I'll take you seriously if you are a Cuban who experienced Castro's take-over.