
It's good-looking for a Wii game, but definitely wouldn't fool me.

I'm not sure she's trying to dance

@Aklost: Even in 3D, it's laughably bad.

@Showmeyomoves!: Or he doesn't talk with anyone and so it's hard for him to talk... it's kinda like how astronauts feel clumsy when they come back to earth for lack of practice

@gamesarentevil: Yeah, who would DARE like a video game that you don't.

@Steven Ansell: Not only is the Mac user-base small, but the percentage of gamers among them is even smaller...

@unfakingbelievable: Witnesses are always unreliable. For all we know, he was running but aiming his gun behind him.

@surft: No. Actually, aiming for limbs is something that only happens in movies. Law enforcement officers are trained to shoot center mass.

@mrantimatter: I don't see any of those mod developers complaining though...

@Yokai: Yup. And in MW2's case, it's superior to the multiplayer.

@ZFK: I don't believe you've played all the games if you think that Halo 1 is at all similar to Halo 3 or Reach....

@ryoshi: The original Halo has no online multiplayer, so a remake would be needed... backwards compatibility is not enough

@Mokon: The PC version runs in HD, but the textures are still low-res. When people think of remakes, they think of upgraded textures and such.

@reducks: "People like that"? You say this as if though every single Marine throws puppies off cliffs.

@Blackti3: Yup, all Marines are high-school dropouts.

@Karkelo: $20 for glorified demos? Where??