
This is the result of a recall a few years ago, around ‘18 IIRC. Something about the original design of the dual exhaust on the Sport and Interceptor models allowed exhaust fumes to enter the vehicle through the rear hatch and people were getting sick. Ford’s response was to make those downturned tips the standard

Grieve? He didn’t even wait for the body to get cold to try to fundraise off of her death. What a farce!

You can find a turn-key C4 for less than you’d eventually have into this, so it’s not really worth attempting to bring this back to its former glory, but...

“...needs to be replaced ‘after last night’s burn outs.’

I totally agree on the C8. When I saw my first in the wild around town, I thought it was a Ferrari or some other exotic but then I saw those huge haunches and wiiiiiiide rear end with C7 taillights grafted on the back. What the hell were they thinking, especially after nailing the last FR-engined design with the C7.

I have said this multiple times on Jalopnik in the past. I hate vehicles that have a design language that screams “I don’t know what I want to be!!”.

I think this means Lugo believes that while video of him punching a Black woman isn’t an election winner, it won’t lose him his cop job.

But then they want or expect us to give anything even approaching a shit when one of their own gets their head blown off? Miss me with it. You’re given guns (among other weapons) and badges (which affords you a bunch of leeway) to patrol the streets, do your fucking jobs the way we’re all expected to and don’t go

Personally, I wish they would do what Superman did in the 40's and dedicate a whole show about him beating the shit out of the Klan.

The same group of basement dwellers is ripping Obi-Wan apart for it centering on Leia and not Luke. It’s a television show, about space wizards and their glowing swords! Moses Ingram is portraying a comic book character not a historical figure.

Wow. Reva is the BEST part of Obi-Wan so far. Unfortunately these sad racists can’t stand to see a powerful person of color because it reminds them how inadequate they are and I can only imagine it’s made worse because she’s also a woman. They better get used to seeing Moses Ingram because she’s here to stay.

They are welcome to have him.  Maybe he and Steven Segal can share a room. 

No doubt. I barely trust a chain shop to mount and balance a *tire* correctly.

Last I checked, the filibuster is an imaginary construct that is not anywhere in the Constitution. Not ONCE.

this $500 car is not worth $4500. what the hell is wrong with you?

That Cruise straight up Bolted 

*America* is full of morons, Florida is just a very popular tourist destination that attracts them from all over. 

This needs to be a tour!  I'm on the opposite side of the country but I'd bet they'd rack up in SoCal in LA and San Diego.

My first car at 16 was a 1977 Dodge Charger, whoever owned it before me decided that it needed more power and put in a late 60's 440. Unfortunately they didnt do anything else. While long burnouts were always an option, things such as stopping, any kind of high speed handling etc were non starters. Add in a HUGE