
<looks at lawn mower>

Your dad is cooler than you. 

Long ago I learned that when on a bike you have to be 5 drivers. The four coming at you from each angle and of course yourself. Assume the first four are always trying to kill you and you stand a good chance of surviving and probably enjoy your journey!

Fred: You know Suzy, no one loves you like I do.

Yet another reason to hate Illinois Nazis.

If Donald Trump told me the sky is blue I would look outside to verify. 

I’m a vet and I think this is fucking vile. Like everything Trump does. And he’s absolutely endorsing white supremacist violence. 

My name is Brandon Burrell. I was one of Kevin Sneed’s attorneys during the trial. The States Attorney didn’t reduce the charges the second degree assault and Disorderly conduct. We went to trial on first degree assault, second degree assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. The attempted first degree murder

Sometimes the justice system gets it right.

I also liked in her speech announcing her candidacy she said that she would always speak with “moral and ethical clarity”.  She is setting up the contrast and staking out the moral/ethical high ground against Trump.  I think it’s a good message.

In fact, Harris was the only Democrat who seemed to stump Barr and throw him off his game, and by his game, I mean lying to protect the president.

The comments on Splinter about her are revealing. They keep saying she isn’t progressive enough for their tastes and how she is a cop. Fuck them and fuck anyone that doesn’t think she should be the nominee. She would make Trump piss and shit in his pants. Cory Booker’s face pretty much told the story: “damn no wonder

Did she even try to give him first aid? Did she just stand there and watch him die? You say “i’m so sorry” while you are trying to stop the bleeding. She needs to go to jail but I would like to know what she was doing during that call. For me, her actions would be the deciding factor between life in prison or 20 years

Obviously. She spent 5 minutes on the phone worrying about her future rather than rendering first aid while the innocent man whose apartment she broke into died.

She may well be a sociopath. I still believe she was on drugs though. Whether alcohol, or some legal or sketchy stimulant, or even something more illegal and recreational.

I got stopped once; I tell the cop (a black woman) I need to reach for my wallet in back pocket and she gets visible upset. Launches into a lecture about “you black men” and how if we’re so afraid of cops we shouldn’t be committing crimes. I should mention she pulled me over because I drove over crosswalk while a

I think that rag was the exact moment when the builder finally said “fuck this shit” and started researching prices on Craigslist.

That’s kind of my point though. At $5k it’s a lot easier to click NP, but you probably would have to replace a bunch of vacuum lines. For $6k instead you get the car from a guy whose bench looks like this.