
First off..there has to be audio of this!

i mean if it’s an active shooter scenario i’m going to help in any way to keep my fellow citizens out of harms way. block doors, tackle the dude when he changes clips, hide and be quiet...whatever it takes.

“Just cashed the check, and I’m ‘bout to blow it all on chocolate”

My guess is they wouldn’t let her use the bathroom because she didn’t buy anything?

As they said on “The Wire”....real police.

I freaking HATE you. ctfu

Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?

I had a foxbody Mustang with a finicky clutch and a ton of idiosyncrasies. My wife had to drive it one day, so I went over a laundry list of stuff to watch out for hoping nothing would break on her. She listened carefully, then turned to open the door and the door handle snapped completely off in her hand. We both

The lien is the problem here, not the car. While you could work through a law firm or some such, that is not something I want to do on a car deal. Fix the lien or be upfront on the details and maybe the deal will go through.

Being Germany, they were fined 1€ for every stone displaced while drifting through that turn and required to return each one to its original position.

So Donald Trump is either incredibly stupid or amazingly racist.

It’s 1987, I’m 11, and my mom is looking to trade in her Pontiac Phoenix for a Chrysler New Yorker. The first dealership we go to had a pair of Bertones and I logically suggested they buy the pair at about the same price as the New Yorker. To my credit I did get them to look at them a bit, but they didn’t fall for it.

Your best bet is in Slovenia or Hungary. Same level of persnickety car as Germans, but lower prices and looser ethics.

My uncle Marty’s drivin’ home, right. Bombed out of his tree. Just hammered out of his gourd. Wrecked. This state trooper sees him, pulls him over. So my uncle’s screwed basically. Got him out of the car tryin’ to make him walk the line. Uncle Marty gets out of the car, and throws up, and the statie’s pretty sure

Ah damn, I missed this one.

Well, it is a fire hazard.