
Except those hardcore players are right. It’s not their fault you have more responsibilities and can’t put as much time in. I would say I’m somewhere in between casual and hardcore and while I wanted the Outbreak Prime in D1, I didn’t get it until maybe a year ago but it felt great getting it even if it was way after

I 100% agree with this. I was so hyped for PUBG to come to Xbox One, but I find myself still playing Fortnite instead. It’s just so much fun and a much smoother experience.

Exactly how much do you think a Gold subscription is?

Play the Free Fortnite: Battle Royale. If after that you think “I want to do this in a more realistic setting” then buy PUBG

One of my good friends is a Vietnam Veteran. It happened.

Did you not see the legal catch-22? They filed a DMCA claim, he filed a counterclaim, that requires, in highly legal terms, you to put up or shut up— either file suit or accept their counterclaim as valid.

Judging by your comment alone, i take it you are very much into “eSports”.

Arguments are moot. Not reading a contract doesn’t mean you are not to be upheld by them. It’s not the 14 year old they are suing it’s the lying 14 year old they are suing whom, when they agreed to the terms, stated they were legal age.

We’ve been following this guy’s career since 02' and today was our reckoning and vindication. TomaTeam is what we call fans of Tomato and there are many of us scattered throughout the globe. Today was our world series and I have to say it feels pretty good.

Or you can leave Indiana and go to Canada, where they have a thriving LGBT scene.

So....just so we’re clear, you don’t own the game and don’t actually know how the xp system works from firsthand experience?

Please, by all means, continue to pat yourself on the back for criticizing something you know nothing about.

FFS we are talking about meaningless cosmetic items here. The game is a blast and you were never going to buy it anyways, so save your self-righteous bullshit for something else, because you look like a tool here.

fuck this guy for cheating and fuck you for endorsing it.

or you could build a sense of pride and accomplishment by constructing a robot to grind progression for you.

I don’t know if you’re too fucking high or not high enough but cannabis vapes have nothing to do with tobacco or synthetic cannabis.

I don’t know if you’re too fucking high or not high enough but cannabis vapes have nothing to do with tobacco or

high back kevlar office chair +3 HP from attacks from the back.

(Damn, that ended up being long. I guess I have a lot of thoughts on this!)

And Silent Hill prepared me for my relationship :D Now I barely notice the small creatures running around in the apartment!