Questions, to people who HAVE played Black Ops, instead of listened to complains from other people. It'd only take just a few seconds.
Questions, to people who HAVE played Black Ops, instead of listened to complains from other people. It'd only take just a few seconds.
@BleedingThumbsMurphy: I think it has the similarity, sure, they are both sandbox game with missions and side missions, but in details, they are QUITE different.
Congrats on ME2, I love you too.
@BleedingThumbsMurphy: you haven't played the game, right? Then stop making such review.
Finally, some useful use for the Picarats.
Addicting to GTA Chinatown Wars. This is my version of Awkward Zombie.
@TheOvermatt: you have a great mom.
WW2 is the only topic that every players can see it as "good" vs "evil", and the player is battling against evil. IMHO.
Can someone fill me up, when did Gearbox start with DNF? Did they start from scratch? (most likely, I think)
@fearing: Where should this video be? "Awesome" or "BLEEEEERRRRGGHHH"? Help me decide!!!
"Just... just don't look at it when you touch it"
Stat [sic] of the art inventor fail to use camera and grammar properly.
@funda: Should be Statment
@QMurphy: The selling point is "STATMENT"
hey Giz, can you share me the extortion money? I laughed hard on that part.
@Bisnicks: cherish the new meme!
@Caturday Yet?: "The pattern is easy to pick out: This dude shows up whenever there's a bubble or hot trend in the tech business world that has yet to make it to the marketplace. "
@Citrustay: if you think everyone who hasn't finished RDR is inferior to you, then you need help, Mr. Iamhardcore
@nuggular: cannot unsee it gaaaaaaaaaarrrr