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    1988 Pontiac 6000LE. Looks like the one in the picture, except covered in rust, as they all became. Honestly, I don't remember who it was with, but the car definitely didn't help my case.

    @0xC001D00D: I am making a tree house with that same fashion, but it's still not mob-free. Even when I put torches everywhere, I still meet some skeleton guys on the way climbing to the top of the tree.

    Am I right to say Awkward Zombie is horrible today?

    @Hakidia: I knew it'd freak people out. Should've put a link instead. Or a Kotaku fish.

    @bkld18: It's like R and NC-17. But the ESRB is much stricter.

    @linkin702: Duh, Mass Effect 2 has PC version.

    @King of Madness: Maybe exclusive titles don't have a chance, multiplatform games do.

    @admiral_taftbar: RDR bring that caring feeling to the player too, except RDR doesn't have planet mining and linear path missions.

    Telltale games, STOP! Scrap all of your 3D rendering engine and copy this style now!

    Awesome job! You guys made my draw jobbed, I mean, jaw dropped.

    Dave, you are either 71 or 72. If it's 72... well, I smiled and hope this is just a sarcasm!

    @Fatbubba: Ha, I knew it since the 1950's!

    @Shiryu: December 20 2010???

    @poopy123: Take care, literally? Woah, then we are doomed for sure