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    @madcatz: Normally what is the ticket's price on movie's day one? Surely it can't be $60, but $15 something?

    I'm not so sure, crushed in terms of sum of money or the number of people who bought this game on first day? Because movie ticket is cheaper than video game :/

    @Ben506: "Red" is not a colorful color you know :/

    A temporary solution to improve framerate on PC is turn on V-Sync.

    @Metatron: The problem of Black Ops is, practically, every Americans are cool and good guy, while every communists is a horny, blood thirsty devil.

    @TheRage: So, about 6 years back in time, then?

    @TheRealDoshu: Hey it's TAY right .. Just sayin', no mean of criticizing.

    I'm pretty sure whatever the NVA was speaking in Black Ops wasn't Vietnamese, rather Chinese. The only few words I could barely make out are Quyết thắng and Tôi bị thương rồi (now this line is spoken in a very cheesy and emotionless way)

    The solution?

    Someone doesn't agree with you

    @NewSpecies: I'm pretty sure his name is not Sherley

    @Calrekabooki: Make sure you're out of range, though, or the woman'll crash the saucer section into the planet. The one time Troi gets the keys...

    @Robotronic: This would go very well with my Mac Tonight McWelcome mat.

    Well, I'm impressed! Benson, you are really, really a brilliant person.

    For a moment I thought "Mudkip"

    Fact: Morgan Freeman can play any role.

    @salaczar: really? Woah I have never noticed that before.

    @StarSama: masterchief recognized - Welcome, John.