
This is a impressive effort, but by no means an impressive result. This thing is awful on so many levels. I don’t get why these cheap replicas have the logos os what they’re trying to pretend to be splashed around trough the always awful interior.

Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’ you better run”
Well Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?”

That lady gave a new meaning to tree hugger...

We’ll be lucky if the small truck Ford is working on is based on the Troller Pantanal. It certainly won’t be a Ranger.

You’re absolutely right. This car is absolute crap.

In Brazil you can get it with AWD. Sorry, but unless they change a lot for the US market, you guys don’t want it. This is an awful car. I don’t know a single person that bought one (be it 1st or 2nd gen) that was pleased with it.

Mk IV Golf , the same thing...

The future of Top Gear has had almost as many unconfirmed rumors as the fixes for VW’s TDIs in the US...

To me it's revoltingly vulgar

May still be interesting as a donor car if you have a crashed 129 or with things that are in need of some attention... Depending on the price, obviously

Where I live we have an interesting phenomenon that happens to this kind of cars. They all seem to show up for sale at around the same time. At one point we had multiple SLRs for sale, then Porsche CGTs, at some other time Ferraris 550s then 575s... And so on...

But Porsche being Porsche, a stripped out Boxster would end up being even more expensive... They would strip everyting from the Boxster Spyder and charge you more at the end...

There are companies in the uk that do exactly this sort of work in XJs. They keep the Jag V12, but upgrade EVERYTHING. Personally, I think it suits the car better.

You should get a VW TDI. Because....

I agree! You should do it!

Surprised that none mentioned the DB5 being able to keep up with the 355 in Goldeneye

That’s because the original had some actully cool and real driving, not a lot of CGI bullshit

The whole 2003 Italian Job is a blunder.

The guy is an idiot not only for the obvious reasons, but because this seems to be a rare slant nose 911. If it’s a turbo means it’s a 1989 (only year you could get a 930 cabriolet).

That’s an 80s 911, so no automatic.