Satan's Advocate

definitely, the reason to bring it to USA is to show why FRS 86 BRZ need to have a turbo

I would like to think that they all apologized to each other, piled in that Subaru, bottoming out the suspension, and then proceeded to bankrupt the local Golden Corral.

so you say Toyota can do this but can’t make 86 Turbo or Supra in-house ??

You’re so fucking predictable.

It’s as interesting as the dog turd yesterday that had me doing a skid, almost causing me to land on my back on top of it. I expect it was laid by a Great Dane or an over-eating Retreiver.

I really love what the designers were trying to do with Cybertruck, it’s really interesting design.

“Still love the truck though!”

Cute, but it’s no excuse for continuing to drive one.

I would adjust that to “fuck new Tesla buyers” but I generally agree with the sentiment.

What a poor excuse: We want to support a fascist, but don’t want any blowback for doing so.

Assuming you’ve never ridden, and noticed just how ridiculously wide a lot of our lanes are. Plenty of roads have plenty of room for lane-splitting with no imposition to cars.

A life lived in fear is no life at all.

Have you ever traveled to europe?

They post comment like yours

Boy, did you get that wrong!

You forgot: below average in knowledge and intelligence.

Elon stans don’t tend to be the sharpest crayons in the sandwich.

Maybe…make sure you understand what somebody is saying before calling them an idiot.

Oh wow you're that special kind of stupid aren't you 

No, you’re the one who either misread the article or doesn’t understand the article. What they determined was that there were 5.6 fatalities for every 1 billion miles driven in a Tesla. There were only 3.9 fatalities in a Hyundai over the same number of miles. So, there were 50% more deaths per mile driven in Teslas