Satan's Advocate

The only “clown” here is someone who actually believes musk and supports him.

He bought it knowing Musk is a fascist and scam artist, so he deserves to be taken to the cleaners. And that is even without the “influencer” angle.

The sun also rose in North Korea, and for people being tortured, enslaved, or worse all across the globe. It also rose during the horrors of Nazi Germany. Except of course, for the people killed. 

A thousand percent agreed. It is insane to me that our government has helped this man weasel his way into “too big to fail” status for several of his companies, but particularly SpaceX.

Call me crazy but you shouldn’t NEED to be able to trace specific security leaks back to Musk to take action. Regular communication with a hostile foreign power should be enough to forfeit government contracts. 

It will just be a link to whichever dashcams the Inventory is shilling, there will be no testing or any sort of reviews.

Seeing the guy finally clock the dashcam and his face...

Those so-called robotaxis don’t have any manual controls”

Sadly, we all have to pay for it when it happens.

I’m so tired of this. Helmets are safer. Loud pipes don’t save lives they just annoy the shit out of everyone else.


Now playing

Here is a quick but honest coverage of how Mr. Musk got to be so wealthy:

My 1997 mitsubishi mini cab keincar has 15000 miles and i can do 75% of what id need to do in a full size truck.

Okay, pedo guy.

This comment sounds like AI drivel?

Name a good thing he has done that wasn’t for his own financial gain?

This critique seems to be lacking in hypothesis and resolution. There are some elements that suggest that this is not in fact a critique but a bad faith argument in defense of Musk and his grift.

Because Musk is a racist piece of shit con-man.

Aye, if these cars became legal then they’d have to compete with a bunch of brands that already have established models and tech for the market. They don’t wanna invest that RD money to make small, efficient cars. Cheaper to bribe the suits to keep them illegal.

I remember when people were less gullible and weird cults usually involved people in silver bedsheets waiting for space aliens to come and take them to the stars.