Satan's Advocate

It’s hilarious to see a lot of the same conservatives who would gleefully take up supercharger parking spots, vandalize Teslas and roll coal on them now stanning for Musk and his companies.

Eh, TGUSA was trash even without the name. It fell into the same category of mediocrity as the shows on the Speed channel.

I’m just wondering why the stans aren’t defending him here. They’ve excused all the other dumb things he’s said or done.

Most of these DipShits you see in a video are learning for the first time

Come back when you have something significant to contribute.

It’s pretty simple, unless you’re trying to get ultra-pedantic about it, which would indicate that you have an axe to grind.

I’m referring to any of the comments you’ve made and your last one continues to show you don’t understand what it is

Your comment has nothing to do with overlanding

Do you know what overlanding means? And any run-of-the-mill sedan can go on fire roads and even many logging roads so that doesn’t mean anything. 

We will endlessly find excuses to avoid change right up until the last possible second.

I know what the industry is doing with their nonsense. I’m talking about the title of the article using that term as if these were actually overland vehicles.

Are we just throwing “Overlanding” around for anything now? 

Why are people still going to Gamestop?

Rogan is a sad, roided up clown

None of those comparisons make sense. The other ones you listed serve more people, more destinations, and don’t require special credentials in order to ride. They are public transportation whereas the LVCC is not.

The most glaring problem is cost. The nearly $53 million this cost the government could have gone into actual transportation infrastructure. Secondly, anyone who has to use a mobility device but isn’t ambulatory enough to stow it in the trunk of a Model Y is screwed. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of accommodations

Which does allow for easing traffic congestion by going below ground.

I think the reasoning is so that there’s no way to open it unless you’ve got the car turned on, basically to prevent somebody from being able to smash the window and just pop the glovebox open with a button.

The opposite for me. More new Zs than the Hummer and Cybertruck put together.