Satan's Advocate

When someone says off-road vehicle, they’re picturing a specific type of vehicle that was purposefully built for it or at the very least has the foundation for it. If we’re just talking about the technical definition of off-roading then literally any car fits that definition since you can drive on fire roads, reach

Companies like this one depend on people falling for the “HIGHER GROUND CLEARANCE MEANS OFF ROAD!!1!” nonsense, not to mention whatever gimmicks car manufacturers list in their brochure. Here you go:

So $12k to mess up the aerodynamic efficiency while still not making it off-road? lol The worst of both worlds. 

Oh, god please no more Seinfeld. Jerry has become an even more insufferable douchebag since it ended. Don’t give him any more airtime than he has already. 

Amen to all of this. 

I’ve had this conversation like 2 or maybe 3 times on here ever so saying it’s happening on every AV article is a little silly. And even if that actually happened, not sure why that would offend you. People having arguments/conversations in the comments section has been a thing since forever. Do you say the same thing

“How about you get the fuck out of our country,” she yelled at them. I’ve got a couple of issues with this. One: you shouldn’t yell that at anyone, ever.

Could not disagree more

They won’t reach any significant level of efficiency because roads will still be dominated by human drivers in the future and any improvements to infrastructure to assist automated cars will still be lacking then as well. They also won’t get anywhere close to the level of safety that’s been promised because, no matter

I’m in my 50's, you’d better believe that I’m hoping that self driving cars will be practical and affordable by the time I’m too old to safely drive.

So many of those kids have dads with $100k+ lifted trucks that have never been off-road and moms that think they can do no wrong. I expect them to move to Texas next after this latest assault on their freedumbs. 

You really said this with a straight face

Useless once they go after him

Someone saying they did it when they didn’t? Don’t know the upside to that except having a target on your back. 

You’ll be pleased to hear that despite their antics, the pair weren’t taken into custody by police, as their mother hasn’t pressed charges against them for driving off with her car.

Most pickup truck drivers today are simps who need a lot of attention

-Blew an engine in her brand new 2006 Toyota Corolla because she “didn’t know oil changes were needed for ALL vehicles, just old ones.”

I would actually be interested in having this next to my bed

This is satire, right?

You know dude would drive off the moment he would see he was trying to start something with a bigger guy.