Satan's Advocate

I was responding to OP’s comment, not giving a take on whether it should have braked or not. 

No, I didn’t. I was responding directly to the specific comment that OP made. Feel free to read it again.

Bernie Madoff has risen from the grave and entered the chat

Dealers will just have indirect markups by adding bs line items. 

From the Autoblog link, where it was first reported, in the article you’re reading. It’s the line that says according to Waymo” at the end. 

If anything, I would assume it was able to notice the dog and get on the brakes sooner than a human would be able to.

I don’t think most people would consider this vague. They want to casually date and bang.

Nah, it’s doing the opposite. There are reasons why people are more willing to switch their cars to electric than motorcycle, with the main one being battery. The tech and charging infrastructure is nowhere near close to being on the same level of convenience as ICE. And that’s before you get to the topic of riding

The way things are going with more and more people acting irresponsibly in outdoor spaces, I’m all for more restricted access. Just asking visitors to be more mindful of nature and wildlife is not going to do anything. Implement harsher punishments, have an application process, give rangers the authority to slap

This one is that price because NYC. I’ve seen low mileage GT-Rs that you can get for less importing straight from Japan. 

This is probably the best description for these bikes that I’ve seen. 

So they couldn’t put a speed limiter on tank mode to a crawl?

Promoting another source of cheap and endless plastic trash. C’mon now.

There’s a reason people still pay top dollar for the Toyota 4Runner even though it’s old: It’s still a fantastic body-on-frame off-roader.

It looks like a Porsche with a bad hangover

The water isn’t wasted. We don’t lose it. It’s processed and goes back into the same system we took it out of.

but I can’t see how they plan to make DeSantis electable. Leaving aside all of his godawful views and what a weasel of a man he is, he just comes across as another generic, sweaty, out-of-touch politician with absolutely zero personality that’s desperately trying to be seen as some sort of badass freedom warrior.

I find it hilarious how some people hated the Killing Eve finale. They did it right. That level of dysfunction shouldn’t have a fairytale ending. There will always be consequences. 

Do you really want the company that makes your phone and your laptop and your watch and your TV to also be...your bank? Your lender? Even if Apple Pay Later is not uniquely nefarious, it makes sense to think twice before giving one company so much power.