Cruises pollute more than planes and the latter are used for multiple purposes besides recreational. I use public transport and shop locally. Wanna try again?
Cruises pollute more than planes and the latter are used for multiple purposes besides recreational. I use public transport and shop locally. Wanna try again?
Every legitimate one.
Pretty much everything is bad for the environment. I think less-bad alternatives are a good thing.
You could be out running a small hobby farm right now to help reduce your foot print
Plenty of people, including myself, put effort into having less of an impact but even then it’ll never be zero because of the systems in place. People have to shop at places like the Dollar Store because they might live in a food desert. Others have to buy bottled water because of issues with their local water supply.…
Saying something is not as bad as another offender when it comes to the environment is not good argument, especially when it’s non-essential. Cruises are toxic and unnecessary.
The most cost-effective would be a staycation but then those same people would freak out at not having a 24/7 buffet.
You’re forgetting the massive impact on marine environment.
There have been more car thefts in the past few years than any other time this past decade and this gets posted? At least wait until Evil Week since it’s just around the corner.
Brave is not safe. A quick search will show you why.
I agree it’s better to not use FB products but there’s no privacy in doing that either since they’re so pervasive on the internet.
Been using a MBP as media server for years without the battery. Works great.
I’m surprised this list isn’t just all Linda Fiorentino movies
air conditioning removes the heat from inside your house and pumps it outside. Unfortunately adding to global warming.
Fuck you, leave.
Surprised about #4. I think that’s more of a YMMV type of thing as I’ve seen too many burnt pieces to not shake the pot.
I used this on the latest Roku for a long time (wired/wireless headphones) and while it was useful at some point, it eventually stopped being so. Over time, the disconnects became more frequent as did the battery drain along with the phone getting warm. I didn’t want to keep troubleshooting, even after talking to Roku…
WTF is this article? I know these authors are glorified bloggers but JFC can they at least try to write in a professional way? You can write about the housing crisis without sounding like a tween with too much angst. Use NPR as your template.