Satan's Advocate

Bidet’s are legit

Brave has its own problems. A quick search would have made that clear. 

Trauma is not being made to eat vegetables when you were little, or getting water in your eyes while being bathed.

The majority of characters in that show were badly written and acted like idiots  The agent and her backstory were the only things redeeming about it.

I just scream real loud the entire time. Nobody hears a thing.

What’s currently on Disney+ that has the same level of violence as Punisher or even DD?


regarding something so personal

They have unskippable ads now

Arizona Piña Colada.

Not necessarily fast food but you could buy it at pharmacies and gas stations. 

No. At the very least, people should wait until each holiday is over to decorate for the next one. The fixation with Xmas is a weird and creepy obsession.

was one of the most critically lauded films of the year

The Irishman was nominated for how many Oscars?

Did you not read the context?

Funny to see The Old Guard on here. It’s a typical Netflix A-lister bore. Just like they did with Ryan Reynolds and 6 Underground, Netflix managed to get a huge and talented start like Theron only to surround her with a boring and underwhelming cast, not to mention the laughable dialogue. It amazes me how much money

It’s just different, and you’re not used to it yet.

I’m curious to see how they handle scaled resolutions considering the different menu options and number of icons some users have on the bar. There’s already an issue with menu items not being visible because of the notch which I’m sure they’ll fix at some point. Looks to be more from the Apple side of things than

Pop OS or GTFO

Huh? Some of these aren’t even slightly offensive.

Still ugly.