No mobile apps available to test the advanced features on and there’s a charge for the web app? Hard pass.
No mobile apps available to test the advanced features on and there’s a charge for the web app? Hard pass.
Ferrari has the same problem that Ducati has had in MotoGP over the years.
The Apple car isn’t and was never meant for people. It’s an autonomous vehicle specifically designed to improve Apple Maps.
Meh. With the exception of cars, since they don’t really do deep reviews on them yet, The Wirecutter is a better choice. Plus, it’s free.
Speaking on the result, I’m glad City is out. Along with PSG, they’ve done some shady-ass (more than usual) transfers in recent years.
lol This has got to be the most diarrhea of takes I’ve seen so far this year.
I’m more hurt when this happened to the Pathfinder
“but let’s not pretend that giving a few million dollars to the French to restore a landmark has any impact on the ongoing crisis in Flint or Puerto Rico.”
Tell that to the people in Flint and PR that need it. GTFO.
That’s the point
“It’s really not that hard”
Apparently it is, considering all the waste that’s been created by people who didn’t reuse over the years. We need to move away from plastic where possible and ditching grocery bags is a no brainer.
You can’t be serious. Assange was not practicing journalism.
I wish they’d include specifics on things like encryption and transparent business practices for their listings. One sentence descriptions aren’t very helpful.
Concerning the Wyze Cam and others like it, I’d suggest that people look into recording gaps/limits as that information is usually not listed and users have reported issues.
Any 10w pads you recommend?
Meh, you’re still going out and spending money on something that might or might not work when it’d just be easier to go to the junk drawer in your house and string something together.
You can return them and get a new pair.
Or you could just give them to somebody?
Yelp is hot garbage. Hard pass.
Or maybe don’t buy a chunk of plastic that is just gonna end up in a landfill. It’s not guaranteed to be a decoy for your pet. A better lifehack would be to make a toy out of things you already have around your house. A string with a ball of fabric attached at the end or crumpling up some old gift wrap paper with a…