Satan's Advocate

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I wish they had more colorways for the non-wp versions

I wish they had more colorways for the non-wp versions

Sure, it was positive side effect for them but from all the evidence, it wasn’t really their motivation for what they did. It’s more complicated than people saying that they’re an evil, greedy corporation. Some people find that it’s easier to get upset instead of doing some simple research.

R&D isn’t always about

There are two types of people that I’ve seen so far getting upset at this:

1. The ones that hate Apple no matter what
2. The ones that are jumping on the bandwagon because hey, if everybody else is pissed off then I should be pissed off as well

Apple has made stupid mistakes over the years but this isn’t some sinister

I do think they could have been more transparent but I think they felt they had to take a risk with not disclosing that info. Plenty of scenarios where it could have had a multitude of unwanted side effects apart from what’s going on now.

The iPhone has usually used smaller capacity batteries than its Android counterparts but still retained good to great performance. Even if the capacities are close, the difference is how efficiently it uses those batteries. Essentially, there’s a lot less overhead in iPhones than in Android phones. That’s why, once

What useless features are you referring to?

I’ve changed many iPhone batteries. It’s annoying as shit but you can do it. I do agree that it’s difficult to know if you need a new battery but that problem isn’t exclusive to Apple. They’ve always prioritized aesthetics over repairability, with few exceptions. I’d love it if they did a free replacement after two

The amount of people who think Apple did this just to make people upgrade is astounding. It’s more a consequence of their design decisions than sneaky greed.

That’s another species right there. Holy shit.

Because it’s true either way when comparing those two bitrates, whether you specify the codecs or not.

Your reading comprehension needs some work, to put it mildly. You wrote all that even after I was always talking about 64kbps vs 128kbps (stated bitrates and regardless of codec), NOT equivalent bitrates, which you seem to have pulled out of your “NOT ON TOPIC” basket of goodies. Vague or not, pick your codec, THAT

“My bad for not checking if other people had called you out on something very basic making dumb assumptions.”


That’s quite a stretch. If you can’t point out where you said I said something, then you’re just making things up. I was referring to the most popular codecs at the stated bitrates. If I was referring to 64kbps Opus and 128kbps MP3 specifically, I’d still be right because at 64kbps, it’s pointless to talk about

So you didn’t read the rest of the comments. The mind boggles.

I never said all formats are the same. Where did you read that?

Meh... it’s about bitrates really. Let’s go there though. Having worked with audio my entire life (both in personal and professional environments) I can tell you that the Opus codec presents issues with certain frequencies that are audible, even to a casual listener. I’m not near my desk right now so I can’t run it

It makes sense for speech just like AM makes sense for talk radio. With music, Opus presents issues with certain frequency bands that are still audible to even a casual listener.