Satan's Advocate

I’d go back to Firefox too if they had the fantastic extension library that Chrome does.


+1 for MST3K

Do they require a minimum amount of space or is it just an entire suitcase by default?

Yea, that name is probably not the best. Mule just reminds me of those Locked Up Abroad episodes where they end up in a run down, asbestos filled prison surrounded by killers that want you to join their “fun card game” in cell #24.

Or just use hangers available at your destination?

Or just use hangers available at your destination?

A nerf target alarm clock certainly won’t fix that.

If you need a set up like this in order to wake up, it might be time to take a good look at your life decisions.

If they’re properly constructed, they shouldn’t snag that much. I wouldn’t say it’s a very specific niche, though. Whether you travel a lot, camp, do sports, photography, filmmaking or most types of media really, they allow for quick access to pretty much whatever can fit on there.

Having to charge them is what keeps me from going full wireless. I travel a lot and my time is best spent preparing other things for my trip. I worry enough about charging my phone and laptop before I go.

Dammit! Dude, you were the highlight of the site for me. I wish you the best but for now, while I’m upset with your departure, you’re a total poopymcjerkface! :(

Do you ever reach a peak? I started doing 5 then 10 and now 15 per day but I haven’t been able to get past that for a couple of weeks now.


The author commented that he made some errors when researching this.

Are you on the unlimited plan?

No soundclip of the exhaust?

If you’re walking, you can do some light meditation by feeling how every part of your feet make contact with the ground. At the same time, saying in your head “body has weight” which, believe it or not, can help with calm awareness.

Does that give you the password for the network you’re already on or do you have to enter it in?

Edit: Nevermind. Looks like no.

Wifi widget doesn’t already know the passwords. You have to enter them in.

Is there such thing as “the healthiest food labels” that are objectively healthy when looking at the overall nutritional value of a food product? If so, what are they?