Corpse pose FTW!
Corpse pose FTW!
You can get unlimited on Cricket which AT&T owns, so you’ll have the same network.
Why the hell would I want to move from 3.5mm to something that needs specific headphones to work or bluetooth? The latter of which has inferior audio quality and needs charging!
Take away everything except for the computer and the phone since that’s what they’re actually using.
I got a good wiping tip but it might be too gross for some people :P
Anybody know if the latest Windows 10 update fixes the many bugs that users were reporting with the Anniversary update?
The floor is lava!
Did they update Adblock Pro as well?
Aren’t planks more effective than crunches?
Hot take
Looks like a museum for Cars & Coffee
You must be horrible at parties
“If you normally drink eight cups of coffee a day, for example, go down to four cups for two or three days.”
That’s an insult to rotten marmalade
Looks like the guy was desperate to make ANY video to upload to YouTube.
Awesome! I might see if I can make the old fashioned way work in a cramped space first then maybe give the Aerogarden a shot. Thanks for the thorough review.
Nice catch
Alan, have you tried the Aerogarden setups? Another reader on here said they work really well, albeit at a cost.