
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is an interesting game. If you go back and read the Iwata Asks interview for it, the developers outright state that it was made in response to what the trends were in JRPGs at the time (it was released on the heels of FFXIII). The developers felt that JRPGs were skewing too hard on the story

without spoiling anything, the developers made bravely default: flying fairy which when something is revealed, it’s a really clever title.

Octopath Traveler, because Octo is 8, you have 8 characters traveling? 8-path traveler?

I love how Steven Universe has accurate yet non-copyright-infringing references to actual consoles throughout the show.

I had the same reaction. I was skeptical, but I was completely impressed. I don’t know if I’ll get it day one since I have to manage my budget, but it definitely jumped into my radar.

No he just fainted, if you played the game he survives

Reaper, before he turned into a ghost thing was black

I think you took a wrong turn somewhere and missed the exit ramp to Tera or Blade n Soul.

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Been done. On GameCube no less 15 years ago.

It’s as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “what?” in confusion and were continually baffled.

I do feel sorry for those who got confused

But everything Activision Blizzard does is the first time it’s ever been done!


You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.

I found myself talking out loud while playing this game. “Oh man, what’s that down there.” *jumps* “It’s probably alive.” *hears the battle music begin* “NOOOOOOPE”

At what point does the developer take responsibility for its own, unambiguous, false (and left uncorrected) representations?

If you bought a new house, only to find out after closing that the sellers ripped out all the copper wiring, HVAC equipment, kitchen appliances, and tore up the hardwood floors, would you be upset? Is that entitlement?

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It’s rare I get to post the same video twice and be relevant