
Ever have a game with lots of characters and you imagine who is going to be your main guy? Then you get the chance to play the game and realize that you are terrible with that character so you have to sift through the others finding that one that fits?

*gif is frozen on Wolf Link’s butt*

You buy a game then play it. Not as uncommon as you’d think.

aww you think you speak for most fans? how cute.

Playing Cho’Gall with a random is going to be like:

Is it just me, or does this Blizzard cinematic look a BILLION times better than the official Warcraft movie? Man, that cgi looked kind of...tragic. I don’t get why the Blizz cinematic team didn’t just make the entire feature film themselves.

I wrote about this a while ago. Right now it’s virtually impossible to get every hero for free since total gold you can earn through leveling is 2/3rds of the total hero price, and the rate of new heroes coming out pretty much cancels out quest gold gain. If Blizzard didn’t release new heroes, it would take roughly 30

Now playing

Blizzard have always made good GGI trailers, but the one for Overwatch is their best work so far.

I can still hope can’t I? Or is hope reserved for the majority as well?

You, I like you, I like this post...

If you use tumblr, then you should know what kind of reaction to expect. This is the Steven Universe of video games.

there’s also the game “i didn’t receive a beta key thx blizzard”

Time to buy!

Now playing

Because of you Arbiter, My kids can’t get enough gas. Or nipple. How does that make you ffffffeeeeeeelllllllll?

Wow, Guild Wars 2 looks a little different now!

That is excellent news.

Yeah, two weeks is a pretty long time to keep doing pointless content after having already strained every ounce of entertainment from it in the past few weeks. :P In Alexander I roll on everything rather than what I might need just so I won’t have to do the trial more than once, stopped capping Esos since there is

New Kotaku drinking game.

Everytime an author says, “...most controversial...” take a drink.

That’s it, no other rules, that alone will keep you snot-slingin’-drunk for days.

Jason is obviously wrong about Spirit Tracks, but the rest of his review is correct.

You mean like in Beta? Which Legacy of the Void is in...