
I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again. The demonym “American” for “people in the US” is logical. Unlike Argentinians, Chileans, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Canadians, and the various other countries of the American continents, no other demonyms make much sense. What should we be called, Statesmen? Unioners? United

“Fine! We’ll cover her entire body instead, but I’ll be damned if we’re losing the strap off the shoulder look! That’s my fetish!”

Let me teach you some Internet geography:

seems Pikachu Libre is actually a female Pikachu.

Oh god you can make your own sound effects... this can only go wrong.

Now playing

The whole series has amazing encounter and boss music. M&L: BiS final boss theme is my personal favorite.

Now playing

It’s not even the best boss music in a Mario game:

Here is mine.

The first thing that popped into my head.

You’re not imagining things.

Hopefully it’s because everyone’s joining the FFXIV hype train! Easily my favorite MMO ever.

A family that slays together stays together.

Final Fantasy:XIV

My FC friends and I had a “wow” moment when ***SPOILERS*** we completed Sohm Al for the first time, and it unlocked the Churning Mists.

it’s Dark Messi. He’s a boss in career mode.

The game practically encourages you to. There is a long thread on the official forums that explains in great detail the naming conventions of all the races and subsets, so you can craft a name that is dead on the lore for your character, if you like.

I have a condition in which any MMO that allows me to make a first and last name immediately makes my OCD take over and I must take the character name incredibly seriously and be RP/Race accurate, even though I never RP.

“Back Front” makes my eyes twitch and my teeth grind into powder.

That being said, you are not