
I love its chimera design but sure, internet. You do know how to make big deals out of, well, anything. Maybe is this crazy one off, maybe there is a whole lab filled with them, and didn’t the endgy skull kid had one?


Kylo Ren joined team Skull?!

Naruto is a procesed ramen ingredient and doesn’t really have a translation or anything.

You know a game is good in Kotaku’s eyes when you get articles like this

Was so epic watching that mech in ruins at Noctillum so many times until you finally decide to get close and its move to bitchslap your party to death!

What’s wrong with

Gaius Van Baelsar
Regula Van Hydrus
Nero tol Scavea

and my favorite

Louisoix Leveilleur
(How do you pronounce that?)

As a side note, as much as I hate how overly complicated they all are, lorewise they all make sense. For any role player, the etymology behind their names and races in XIV is crazy solid

Everything you do ever is your fault. You may share this fault with others but is still your fault. Also that analogy at the end is quite adequate for something like preordering

I love how this implies big power armor with ridiculous rocket axe is more of a standard german military instead of that one crazy guy

I know, that’s why I said North and Central America.

Is a celebration that comes from before the discovery (probably Aztec. sounds Aztec) so is celebrated from Mexico to Nicaragua (or even more south I’m not exactly sure)

Because AT-ATs are cool as hell. That’s why!

Minor nitpick is nitpicky.

I do think Day one patches are a bad practice but is also true the industry has grown into an extremely competitive and ruthless beast, so there is value on the flexibility and utility they offer to developers who either fail to meet deadlines or find useful ways to improve once the game is finished.

Type Totilo?


Cuz they’re exactly what you said and winning on a virtual game for no stakes is the closer they’ll get to feel gratification in life, no matter the means.
Keep it dark!

I think its best use is job testing.
It feels really good testing out all what a job can offer in a couple hours than grind for days or even weeks to hit lv60 and then say “meh”


Steven Universe is going to have a musical!

Fans reactions go from “Oh wow, that’s cool” to “wait, how had this not happened already?”

It’s on, Squid

The entire continental America broadcast GoT on Sundays, but you’re European so I cas expect you not considering us "world" so alright