
My biggest gripe with Marvel is that “Earth Mightiest Heroes” and “Amazing SpiderMan” were getting there before they were cancelled to make room to these awful line of cartoons. Also, I’m sure they are not looking for it

I find it ridiculous that the people that made Halo didn’t like Destiny’s original story because it was “campy”

It’s called Hubris.
It killed Watch_Dogs, almost destroyed FFXIV and butchered Firefall.
And it took a heavy blow on Destiny too.
Its almost a certainty that a game with a campy story would have been better that whatever Destiny Campaign was, but when your top devs don’t like it and star blabbering that new word they

I just don’t care if the movie is bad anymore.

Just to watch these dogfights I’ll give anything

It’s like all the Rogue Squadron HD it could have been

Oh, I see now. You just wanted to be spiteful

There is a TTG Bomb next week. Then is the “Halloween Specials” Week and then Adventure Time Season 7 premieres, with another Bomb apparently. Basically their Prime Time got overstuffed and they are a mess

Well, the schedule is certainly unfortunate and it piss me off, but the creators of Steven Universe are from Cartoon Network Studios.

Oh gods, the memories of that torture!
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry

And the best line of the week goes to:

“That doesn’t explain the spontaneous singing. Crying. Singing while crying”

Pokemon is a handheld franchise, other than the token Stadium game there is no other release. And considering how much should had taken to make XY and how much would have taken to make an HD Pokemon, is not surprising Nintendo is skipping the token Stadium game. Also, Pokken is a thing.

Zelda has been in development

oh yeah. The article from such a common video games news giver that starts with the very trustful “people familiar with the matter said”.

Is not an official announcement (its borderline rumor), it does not confirm the true nature of the dev kit and does not point out anything that we already don’t know about the NX.

Oh, yeah. That always felt like a bad desition

It does feel weird the amount of news we are getting from the NX this soon. I think that on itself is a bad move from Nintendo.
And VC had always been bad, that’s beyond the consoles release schedule (fun fact: your Wii VC inside your Wii U is still better than your Wii U VC. Yet still no SNES Star Fox).

But you are

The NX is still two to three years from now. I think that is enough time for getting a 3DS and enjoying the full of it ‘till this new one comes out

The Wii U is already three years old and is not “winding down”. This last year had seen the release of most of it most wanted and best games, with others like Xenoblade, Zelda and Star Fox still coming.
The NX is not even officially announced. By that time the Wii U will be four years old, and giving past releases, it

I loved the feel of the game but I hated the spawning of the fighters. I had the same issue you pointed out and I’m guilty of practicing myself.
I think that could be also be addressed quite easily if you define the spawn zone out of the warzone, as a temporary area where you can take control, maneuver and choose how

Well, I think that may be because despite all their bickering and conflict, they find themselves as very much equals that can complement each other quite well, while with Garnet they have their own issues plus the very established asymmetrical relationship they have with her.
As it was showed in Coach Steven and Cry

I do believe in the four powers theory, but I don’t think Rose was one of the four leaders. Peridot calls Steven a quartz out of inspecting its gem, so his gem (and consequently Rose’s) is silicate based, not carbon based (Even if Rose call herself a Rose Quartz, Peridot would have recognized Steven as a Diamond)



With Peridot being my newest favorite character and Pearl my oldest favorite character, of course these would be my favorite 11 minutes of the week! They both were great and were great together. I can’t wait to see how they develop.

Also, that back and fort glare between Pearl and Amethyst at the

I’ve know that theory for quite some time, and it had been gaining more ground and voice with episodes like “sworn to the sword” and “Friend ship”. I’m actually relieved it was confirmed, its supporters were getting really obnoxious with their Renaldo kind of “my opinions are proved facts” attitude