Drunk Irish Pirate

As an Irishman, McMurphy should know the only time you’re allowed to put your hands on a woman is when she’s late and atop a flight of stairs.

Best way to keep a Baptist from drinking all your booze... invite two of them.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

> How’d you like to be a Jets fan right now?

I swear no one’s getting out of 2016 alive.

Go big on bacon and try as many variations as possible - Canadian, pancetta, etc...


To be fair this had more actually fighting then any American Football “fight” I have seen and more then any baseball “fight” except Ryan-Ventura or Oder-Bautista. Most sports “fights” are mostly shoving and posturing.

I’m pretty certain that’s the inscription beneath Baylor’s crest.

I wrote this review of the new The Weeknd album, just for all of you

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:

Drugs is a helluva drug.

What is with the abundance of Drew readers who are desperate to piss themselves or shit in not-toilets?

They make up for it by saying it twice as much in private.

Not this model, but further up the model list is one that might suit your purposes:

Not this model, but further up the model list is one that might suit your purposes:

Some say he’s still falling today...

So a re-post from yesterday: