
I'm convinced this story is the only way the white sox remain relevant in the city

speaking from a Chicago standpoint I would say TBOX(our version of santacon) is much much worse for now. It's strictly mid twenty-somethings that shut down 3 entire neighborhoods. St. Patricks day is more of an all ages type of event but they're trying to turn it into the former.

do you just go on every screamer posting talking about spurs chances in CL ever since it looks like they finally managed to get into a spot this season?

I actually have the same problem! I wear a very stable shoe or my feet cave in and I ruin everything I run in. Inserts work pretty well also but I can't stop myself from doing it which is why I wear van's casually, they're so flat I can't ruin them

how far are you running where cotton becomes an issue? I run 30+/- miles a week and have never had a problem?

Awesome article! Former college swimmer here, after burning out on that sport/my career ending, running was definitely a good transition and a happy break for my shoulders.

I promise you that based off the description of your swimming abilities you would not be able to swim even half a mile

this idea is like years old though

if we were going by mob rule in this circumstance the alleged victim would be at the bottom of Lake Erie

you are literally the worst type of person

actually that’s only in the courts, people are free to form their own opinions on the matter. I definitely think Patrick Kane raped a girl regardless of what a league says.

explain to me a typical day at work for a "rocket surgeon"

the 23 year old in me says fuck that.

I know a few kids whose parents were like that except the “rent” they were being charged was really savings for the kid to have once they moved out.

I realize what the article said but I knew what it meant, which is what I was trying to clarify. I know it’s a rule in New York that your rent can't be more than 1/40 of your salary I'm guess that's what he's basing it off of.

yes, although I don't know the Public Transit situation in seattle. I'm privileged in Chicago with amazing CTA (as I clean out my gunshot wounds)


you sound like a blast

I assume he meant 1/40th of untaxed so 40k = 1000 a month

30% before or after taxes? I'm about to pay 1080 a month after paying 775 and am kinda worried.