I know. It's just weird how a lot of people on TV or message boards almost brag about it. Like they're somehow more manly because they're parents used a brush unlike all the rest of you losers who's parents only used their hands. I don't get it
I know. It's just weird how a lot of people on TV or message boards almost brag about it. Like they're somehow more manly because they're parents used a brush unlike all the rest of you losers who's parents only used their hands. I don't get it
My guess is most of the people just read the headline but didn't read the story. My guess too is that they then go on message boards to brag about how much their parents punished them.
I like the comment by the Vikings owner because it makes me think the owners are just going to bide their time for the next few weeks pretending to care about things and once everything dies down, abuse away
Did he also ask Josh Gordon's bong to for it's opinion while sentencing him?
who's only fine so far has been for putting too much gunk on hiss during a game
Looks like the NFL's stringent anti-concussion policy is working as well as all the others are
I had a feeling that once the tape broke, half the higher-ups on Bristol high fived each other over all the #hottakes they could do
while that would be great, we all know this will be forgotten once Sunday comes around and hundreds of women will wear their pink jerseys because....football.
They had a tickle fight and she accidently slipped
the NFL's having it's Best Week Ever
Stellar week for football
AP says there's more to the video and Janay did spit on him and hit him. Which should, in no way matter, but that story is out there.
go check out ESPN or Grantland right now to see how to pretend a story isn't a story. ESPN.com's main story is about fantasy football (!) and Grantland has an essay about Goodell somewhere on their site but it's top story now is a super- exciting column on floor patterns if NBA courts. During the offseason.
ESPN seems to be trying to be the Yahoo comments of sports networks today
how does the NFL not watch the video? Seriously? Goodell tests players regularly for dope but not watch a video of a player walloping a woman
vetted? Is King expecting the Warren Commision to investigate?
Like Messi could have done that
And yet, England would still find a way to lose to them
Never go full racist
keep slurping up what the NFL tells you