Drummertist v.2

@Sethifer: Yeah, I drew it in Illustrator.

[takes down unboxing videos on his YouTube channel]

evil Steve no happy.

@CubemonkeyNYC: So when Arnold Schwarzenegger says "get to the CHOPA!" he means "get to the Completely Hot Piece of Ass"?

Is this dude compensating for something?

Okay, this is rediculous...

@patlikesKOTAKU: Nah, I noticed and posted about it when the story first broke.

I think it will find a medium between the iPhone and a laptop in the next couple generations. That large screen is great for drawing, movies and web surfing so there's still a place for it.

@OrbitalGun: Well...you guys probably get more viruses.

@trs: They're gonna SEX YOU UP!

These people are having sex with their phones? Yuck!

@qenopster: It's not about the relationships, dude. It's about the SEX. iPhone users just have relationships with more sex in them.

THIS JUST IN: Q1 2011 actually means Q4 2012. [/sarcasm]

Is that an iPhone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I think anyone who would buy that Windows tablet would just buy a laptop instead.

Looks cooler than this.

@wozburger: Did you see the iPad constantly win when it was actually using UI elements such as scheduling appointments and finding and entering apps? iPad was only behind by a half a second on the web surfing.