
@gloveofpower: Actually...you can jailbreak an iPhone without bricking it. Sooo...actually that bootloader does lock it down more than an iPhone.

@Yeah!: Someone who has a two year contract.

iPhone life span: 2 years at least

@gendanvs: Oh GOD! Not this guy again! Are you, perhaps...Buzz Killington?!

I have a 3GS, but I feel like if I had upgraded to an iPhone 4 it wouldn't have bothered me that much. I've always had a case on my 3GS (Otterbox Commuter) and I would have the same thing on my iPhone 4. Next year when my contract expires, I can't wait to upgrade to an iPhone 4G/5.

@xsbs: Like oil?

There future that they're showing never comes. You can thank the government for that. Heck, they take 4 years just to put in a mile of interstate where I live.

It's not real. They were filming a scene for Ocean's Seven.


@akarpens: Maybe everyone is downloading it now so it's causing traffic problems. Maybe try again tomorrow?

@Droid800: I just downloaded it. Worked for me and I synced right up. It took time for everything to show up in the app though. Check the link: [addons.mozilla.org]

This is fantastic! I hate it when I bookmark something on my computer and not on my phone. Especially when you want to show someone what you bookmarked. This is great. It even browses the web in-app quickly.

Do you need your iphone synced to keep them updated?

Looks like that fella' needs his FIBER! Geddit?! Paper! Fiber! Ahahahaha...ha...*ahem*...yeah...

All it took was thousands of people dying, two buildings falling, and Al-Qaeda starting a war to find it! What a trade!

That. Is. Wicked!

Cool. Just cool. Really cool...