
Kinect is probably right behind that mirror. It's testing it's motion sensing technology for the next Dragon Ball game where everyone will be powering up to constipation level.

@katypee001: I doubt you would feel that way, if it was on the same old same old Android OS phone...you know, the ones they come out with every 2 weeks running the same fractured OS.

I'm on wifi. So...I don't know. I can't get AT&T signal in my aluminum-box of a house.

Everyone post a photo of BP's engineering team. Here's mine.

@pirateaboard001: I rather water be sucked up and 40 ships in a row to take over if one got full than to have millions of barrels of oil in the ocean right now.

@sublimnl: If this is true then that's FANTASTIC news!

@Eauboy: No, this is BP's engineering team.

@Ian Logsdon: No the top hat is a SEAL (which is why they're having problems with pressure coming from the pipe). This is an open cone that sits around it that will catch the oil as it rises from the top of the pipe. IT'S NOT A FIX.

I need a MANS charger. Not some wimpy 30 pin dock connector! How about an iPhone jumper cable connector?

BP should die after this. They are so clueless that they have a SUGGESTION page so YOU (the regular person) can submit suggestions on how to stop it. Look here: [www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com]

@LVP: Lol! Now that's all I'll think about when I look at my iPhone4.

I just searched for it, found the location, but they have taken it down. It now says "this image is no longer available".

@Paul Garcia: That's the exact same thing I was thinking! Black iPhone4 + Black bumper + invisible shield's on each side = PROTECTION!

I had a Speak & Spell when I was a kid and I LOVED it! I don't know if it taught me anything though.

Man, I love my Pandora radio on iPhone. I don't get on Facebook as much anymore. Where's the App Store app on this chart? you'd think that would be higher than iTunes App.

Yeah! Death to suicides!

@deanhatescoffee: Yeah, as opposed to a "buying 3 days before the new iphone is announced" buyer. Why do they get the breaks and I don't?

I bought a 3GS 9 months ago. Why can't they do this for MEEEEE????

This thing doesn't even have internal components which makes this test invalid. The glass has nothing behind it for strength and shock absorbtion; It's just a flimsy piece of glass that is taking ALL the brunt of the force.