You can thank Bill Clinton and Senator Benjamin A. Gilman as well for the "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" which set the frame work for OIF.
You can thank Bill Clinton and Senator Benjamin A. Gilman as well for the "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" which set the frame work for OIF.
Anyone else surprised to see a newer Dodge Charger in Iraq? (45 second mark)
You're right. At least Obama pulled troops out of Iraq... and sent them back to Afghanistan. Progress!
dear god ... I ... I ...
The developers have previously stated that made lobby load times longer on purpose to allow toilet breaks etc between matches and attract a more mature audience.
"What, did da rekkommendeded 'mout of ram in deem server?"
I would hate to be the guys/gal on that panel. That was indeed painful to watch. I can't believe these kids used their opportunity to ask "anything" to ask these kind of questions. lmao
Holy shit it's like the attack of the autism.
I have a 3 1/2 year old special needs child. I'm burning alive right now.
I am going to hell for laughing at that entire thing
The Tech Support Questions were priceless.
"GTA is a PlayStation franchise. It started with us."
No wonder, seeing how the average Minecraft players are...
Well done, Cube expert. I salute you.
Congrats on the sale Doug. And more importantly, congrats on getting rid of the wet dog smell. And further congrats, or condolances, on moving to the City of Brotherly Muggings Love!
A: The Cube has an engine – of that we can be sure. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely certain what type of engine it has, or how large it is. All I know is it allows the Cube to accelerate at approximately the same rate as an industrial forklift.
Ferrari + Philly Roads = ? Where will you store the beast?
My Dakota moved me out of my parent's house and into my first apartment.
We had a terror-suicide attack carried out here in Las Vegas today that killed at least two police officers eating lunch. The perpetrators were white Christian "tea party" movement types...I bet you would have guessed "Islam," whatever the hell that means.
Most likely but it has nothing to do with "normal" Muslims.