
henry ford was antisemitic, but not violently so. everyone has a right to think what they want to, just like we believe he was a complete doucher for beng antisemetic

I love how this assclown figured that even though every competitor in the event was dressed like this:

Tinted tails though....

"$1500/hours you put into it = minimum wage job bro"

Pretty sure there is a Toyota Hilux in there somewhere...

well the cars were so "soft" when made the center of them would sag and cause the car to look like a banana after a few years. The easiest way to see one doing this is that the doors do not close correctly. The top of the b pillar would sway out and forward. The fix is to drive the thing off a cliff or weld some

You sure? I see a Mustang.

Looks like a Honda Accord.

Almost all X6 drivers are considered to be assholes by the general public, so to return the favor, why not show your face directly while cruising on the boulevard wearing enough gold to rewrap a McLaren F1's engine bay?

A car that should be a convertible is a 2015 S2000. But they dont exist.....so im going to cry myself to sleep now on a pile of unspent monies.

You missed the PERFECT opportunity here to prove that the answer is always "Miata", or in this case "Miata coupe". Imagine this car with the top cut off:

Probably because the thing already can't go around corners as it is.

Take the roof off, it will fall apart mid-corner. This is because the thing is a BEAST, and also all the rust which will somehow appear within the first year of owning it.

it will literally just disintegrate.

Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah:

10.) ...because you need at least 280 deg of visibility for drive-by's.

I added one of these to the option sheet for my '12. I see real stars.

Shame. Try some.

You are assuming that performance is at the bottom of the priorities list. With the constant back and forth battle between Ford and Chevy I'm pretty sure it's higher than that. Ford engineers and product planners and yes, even bean counters, would view a IRS that was less capable than the previous live axle, and