
I just want to point out that this bombing has one mention on CNN's homepage, on literally the last line of videos at the bottom of the page. Disgusting journalism.

I'm not aware of any religions that believe this. Only extremists that use it as an excuse. All major religions teach compassion and love, but unfortunately people knowingly and unknowingly twist it into something else.

Russian made buses don't need bombs to explode, amirite?

This has nothing to do with Religion. This is purely a political matter (Think of Northern Ireland). Religion segments the groups and in some cases, gets people more comfortable to give their lives then otherwise (though Nationalism gets people to give their lives up as well).

Fucking cowards.

Wait, functional side vents?

Damn you Microsoft.

Has no one noticed the pointer is giving you the middle finger when your on the web?

I would love to see GTA in another country Londen would be cool but what about Mexico or Brazil or even South Africa or Egypt

I would love to see GTA in another country Londen would be cool but what about Mexico or Brazil or even South Africa or Egypt

I have the same card (assuming you mean the 560TI 448) paired with a 3570K i5. Runs everything I have thrown at it on high settings or better at 1920x1080 with excellent frame rates. Great card.

Companies don't bother doing teardowns of Chryslers, they tend to disassemble themselves within 3 years.

That's happening today. It's covered under the warranty as it is an obvious defect.

This needs to be in there somewhere

You were intentionally trying to.. By covering up for the unacceptable mistake done in this article.
If the first thing you see in the Palestinian flag is Al Aqsa brigade and terrorists, then you are simply a brainwashed racist.

You are being ridiculous, this flag represents millions of persons that identify as Palestinians. You cannot passively label them all as terrorists.
A lot of Americans have committed what is considered as terrorist attacks, by American standards and recognition. Should I label all Americans as terrorists?
Your argument

Why is there a Palestinian flag in an article with terrorist in the title?

And why is there a flag of Palestine?

You all are awesome.
