
Please do not be a bigot. This is a small group of people that do not represent any religious beliefs, and are just barbaric, psychotic murders that would pursue their violent goals, religion or no religion.

Eid was Oct 15, and they have done it before. Trust me, us normal Muslims hate these people as much as you do, if not more. They give all of us a bad name, and use religion to pursue their crazy violent ideology. This is not the Islam that was taught to us by Ibrahim/Abraham (AS), Isa/Jesus (AS), and Muhammad (SAAW).

There is our Islam, which teaches us to be compassionate and kind to our neighbors, and teaches us to treat all other people of the book with respect and kindess (Christians and Jews), and then there is the Extreme Ideology of the f**kers. They give us all a bad name, and I would have no problem joining a military and

I love the background music :)

Yep, same build as me. 560ti with an i5-3570k

My custom PC that I built in 2011 is running a GTX 560 TI. I have had a great experience with it and it can run almost every game I throw at it on high, even to this day. I am planning on upgrading to a GTX 860 or 860ti whenever the 800 series comes out next year.

It's in the 2003+ odyssey. I know because I have one. It also has VTEC yo.

I am a Michigander, and I also approve this message.


Every road in Michigan. The amount of potholes here is insane. Driving on the rare tarmac roads here is like entering heaven. The roads in metro Detroit are bad, but the roads inside of Detroit are even worse. I'm sure we have some Jalopnik writers who could attest to this.

You mean season 4?

But Wikipedia says there is no set date.

I really miss the BC1 and BC2 days. I loved the destruction of those maps, and it really made for a realistic play style. I really hope they did bring most of it back for BF4.

Goddamn, I love Community. Oct 7 is the season premiere right?

We have 2 blue cars, and 1 black car. Hmmmmm.

Guilty as charged.

That actually looks very much photoshopped on (even though I know its not)

Will you ever be making a more budget car ( under $80k) so that pleebs like me can get their hands on one?

Sweet, thanks it worked. I was doing it right, it's just that there was no option to post in opposite lock before and now there is.