Gorilla Sakk

Pence: Never mind the man behind the curtain....

Strange they don’t distance themselves from Walt...

I snapped my fingers every time you said Switch. Lmao

Spade is a spade....Kudos to Nancy for being one of the few from the hill to speak as blunt as the doofus who appointed him.


That’s what I took from it.

Should be fine...only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Odd that there are separate events...


This AMA was very underwhelming...I think GabeN missed the fucking point completely.

No word on wether or not our VC content will carry over?

The mystery of his complexion suddenly solves itself...

So which ‘swamp’ is he draining?


Because 2020 is a wash if no wall happens....say what you will about that sack of orange shit, but he knows a potential long con when he sees it.

It’s comprehension of the word that’s missing. It’s possible to be prejudice, and not be an asshole, as prejudice can be involuntary....but a racist is always an asshole to someone by choice.

Hopefully Obi-Wan cuts him in 4 this time. It’s hard to accept Maul was not only alive during the rebellion, but fighting Kenobi again without the Empire taking notice of either person’s force footprint.

This is good...but it would be better if the end result sparked REAL change.

Yup, the DS was the “3rd pillar” of gaming devices, and they swore to continue support for Gameboy (they did...within reason).

I named my daughter (now 15) Aeris Lynn.....that is all.