Gorilla Sakk

Stop making fun of our attempt to get over on consumers!!!

This is the outcome of being too rich to be told...”This is a bad idea” or “Sir, you should rethink that before saying anything” or “Just accept responsibility, and move on with your talking points” or “Sir, let us run your Twitter account”

Pretty much all of them have been buffoonish in the last 2 years...Trump, Giuliani, Palin, Ailes, Duke, Pearson-Shaddox, Conway, Melania.

We should take a cue from the Trumpkins and trend this (Biden/Warren) into a thing when Hillary is done.

Get him, Madame President!!!!

....then 10 women come out and confirm Skyrim on Switch over the next 2 weeks, and Nintendo goes on a Twitter tirade deeming those women too fat/ugly to play Skyrim on their device.

So the sizzle reel at E3 just before launch will be fire, or not to inadvertently slip hardware features that Nintendo is obviously hiding from the Xerox companies.

Imho that alone puts them on a good track for 3rd parties, despite any console parity concerns.

Mario maker allows uploads...if I were to build an optimist’s case.

Then reveal the specs so we can join hands.

You a wizard? Or a troll with a flux capacitor?

If Mario and Link are leading the charge, Samus, Fox, and a proper Pokémon RPG better be coming off the bench around E3. Give the people what they want from a new Nintendo, and money will print...save the abstract experiments for year 3-4.

Will WiiU owners catch a reduction in cost? ( being as a number of WiiU games seem to be rumored as initial offerings)

I reckon a lot of ‘sane people’ were stuck playing PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royal too...

The Superman game in my mind takes a lot of cues from GTA as far as budget, expanse, and attention to detail.

****Whoops...not my intended response!


Or the location of the murder...

What did he promise you, Rudy? What is your soul worth?

Especially ironic, considering the that whole “erase Kojima’s name from MGSV’s billing” campaign they were doing.