
well, in Japan white people are a minority... =P

Considering English seems to be difficult for some who’s first and only language is English, I think we can forgive these mistakes.

OH MY GOD! YES! THAT is how deadpool is supposed to be

Not sure why the guy filming this had to block out the triple headshot/head explosion, but whatever, what he didn’t block out is far past good enough for me. Bless you, Ryan Reynolds. Bless you for giving a shit.

Yep, it’s definitely an R now, and it’s gonna earn it.

Legit question for you. How does one implement a change in ID without letting it get abused? People change their name consistently on Steam just to troll other users. The only reason I can see this being necessary is if someone got banned because of a slightly offensive ID and want to change it in accordance with the

buying a product you hate to obtain some extra content?! Wierd how easily people let themselves get screwed instead of boycotting actions they don’t accept

If you really can’t afford a goddamn redbull can then you have way more trouble than a missing quest on a game.

Do I detect sarcasm? There’s no guarantee the movie will be anywhere as good as the games are. The story works for a video game... But when you make a movie out of it, I think it would have a hard time being compared with Indiana Jones and other, probably better, movies in the adventure genre.

Someone assembling an IKEA kitchen.

See, console exclusives, at least in regards to first party games are what can help sell a system. People get excited to play those games and buy the system. Nobody gets excited that they are locking out their friends and other people from playing the same content they are playing today. I can’t talk to any of my

The worst is when games cut content for a certain console and then market it as "better on such-and-such". I'm fine with timed exclusives because in most cases these games either wouldn't be made, or just wouldn't be as good. Microsoft is helping Crystal Dynamics with money and manpower to help make this the best Tomb

I understand that the whole company isn’t going to devote all of it’s resources to it’s gaming division. However, Sony is having trouble as a company right now and PlayStation is one of the best things they have going for them. If Microsoft wanted to take out Sony and PlayStation, this would be a decent time to spend

I think a lot of us are getting pissed at these deals, even if we are lucky enough to be on the right side. I know I got screwed on Destiny, since I only owned a Xbox One at the time, so I bought it on there. At this point, I will no longer ever let exclusive content make a decision for me.

The last two cod games sold better (retail) on ps4

Oh boy, 30 days early! I’m totally getting that PS4 just so I can be first to buy more stuff!

Get out of here with that uhm comma crap.

Killzone sold rather well but it wasn’t as well received critically as the others. The Order may have looked nice but it essentially boiled down to a tech demo and the fact it was so overdue and had controversy previously didn’t help. Driveclub is a good game now but at launch it was an utter shambles which didn’t

Isn’t Bloodborne one of the best reviewed games of the year?

Did you read the same thing I did? The only ones that were completely wrong were in regards to release dates (UC 3 being the big one) and in regards to the number of F2P games coming. I was impressed hat almost every single one was right actually....