Best console ever. It has such a fantastic library of games, and the backwards compatibility was such a great feature. I somewhat regret traded my old fat PS2 in for something newer (yes, I still have a slim).
Best console ever. It has such a fantastic library of games, and the backwards compatibility was such a great feature. I somewhat regret traded my old fat PS2 in for something newer (yes, I still have a slim).
Happy 15th birthday, PlayStation 2! Sony launched their second home console in Japan on March 4, 2000, with games such as Street Fighter EX3 and Kessen. Eventually, the PS2 became not only the best-selling console of its generation, but the best-selling console overall, with over 155 million units sold worldwide.
At least, for once, not even the best hackers can steal this information and leak it online.
The internet convinced me to abandon all hope for humanity years ago. Today was merely a confirmation of that decision.
I'm beginning to see where a more connected world could go wrong.
I feel nothing but shame.
I'll never understand why the PC masturbaters have such a hard time grasping the concept that console exclusive gamers don't feel the desire to spend the money to build a PC and prefer the EASE OF ACCESS, it doesn't take 20 minutes of fucking with drivers, fucking with settings, possible constant crashes or shit like…
It's more about convenience. They want better resolution, but they want a small ps4 rather than a tower. Maybe they want to take it to a friends house. Not an easy thing to do with a PC. Consoles are just more convenient for the average gamer.
What is also known is that if you're on a budget and prefer console gaming to PC gaming, than the PC really isn't an option. Like lol wut?
As someone with all three new-gen systems, here's how it breaks down for me:
"Honorable" Mention: FleetComm…
It's unclear why Aura Tactics—which promised to be a tactical RPG with asynchronous multiplayer—disappeared with over $11,000, but their last Kickstarter update was in January of 2013. In November 2013, creator Douglas Miller wrote a comment saying that members of the team had been laid off and were looking for new…
Woohoo!!! Free money!... this is why I stopped paying any attention to Kickstarter. Such a scam.
$50~, guaranteed rare. Yep. Devs have shit the bed. Fuck these games and everything they stand for.
It's more an issue of fixing matches, not betting gun skins.
Do you train your dog the same way you train your kids? If not why should steam treat it's pro sport the same way it does steam? The two are completely different. Common owner doesn't equal common approach.
Uh, whatever beef you have with early access games has literally nothing to do with pro counter-strike match fixing.
tehe. Slim balls
"So it's one of those Puzzle & Dragon-style games"
This boy will be the chosen one!