dr. strangemonkey

Interesting to know.

I'm an electrum man, myself.

The most special of flowers!

As someone who works in college administration I had to physically restrain the sympathy eye roll I went into thinking about the beaten down student affairs types who had to hear about that for a week.

That character has provided some major plot motivation - seemingly - for at least two far other characters who are much more in the spotlight, I think this is a pretty major 'butterfly wing' moment, as George puts it, in the difference between the show and the books.

Semantics peeve aside, were you looking for parallels?

Hmm, not thinking too well of your police work here, Rowan.

I like the Veep phrasing slightly better for creepiness because it sounds less like a frequently revisited fantasy and more like an obsessively revised visualization.

Also no listing of Memory, Sorrow, & Thorn; Hobbs' novels; the Henriad; or Thomas B Costain's stuff.

He has a folder with his name on it with a sub-folder entitled 'Phase I.' That's pretty much gives you the 'killed a dog on a bet' character aspect long before you know anything else.

Yeah, troubadours have literally done nothing for or against you!

So, just to pick a place to start, how should you know what your sister is telling her doctor?

Some form of Manichean? The remnants (or attributed remnants) of Palestinian and Phoenician cults?

When will this longstanding and nonsensical dispute between the Cake-ites and Devo-nians finally end!

This topic has been flan-ed to death.

At my insanely nerdy - particularly for its environment - high school they actually brought in a professional bagpipe player for career day.

Varys would have totally rocked out in the movie Heat.

Eh, depends, shit happens when you're playing water polo.

I would take that bet.

Don't even joke about Minard's infographic. The infographics explaining that infographic are still sexy as hell.