Oh, I don’t. The whole reason for Parler’s existence is to create yet another bubble where the right-wing worldview is never challenged.
Oh, I don’t. The whole reason for Parler’s existence is to create yet another bubble where the right-wing worldview is never challenged.
Don’t hold your breath in anticipation of anyone on Parler seeing the hypocrisy in their own actions.
I mean, Parler’s very existence is proof that the whole OMG TWITTER IS A PUBLIC FORUM SO IT’S SUBJECT TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT nonsense was, well, nonsense. People objecting to Twitter’s business model and creating a competing forum with rules they prefer over Twitter’s TOS is exactly how private speech is supposed to…
Mormon here and the “Mormon royalty” claims are really funny. If there is Mormon royalty, it is not these women. It’d be people like Donny Osmond or Mitt Romney or a famous athlete who everyone knows. The episode covered how the women are “royalty” and it was SO FUNNY (but only to Mormons...). First, the claim that…
Mary: I have a bad, dark place, going to hospitals. I told you I had 12 surgeries getting all my odor glands removed. The worst experience of my life. Dark, very dark. I mean, they lost me twice. I was dying on the table two times. And so that smell... I don’t care if I need a nose job, I am not going to the…
I think you touch on the issue here, but don’t really get into it in depth.
I totally expected better from Lily James. Honey, stop it with the married dudes, they are using you.
Her memoir in 40 years is gonna be something.
Nope, a job on Trump TV in 4 months. BUT, it may require a visit to his pants. Please see KingOfKong post for my response to that.
The view that the Republican Party is the one for “small government” is one of the biggest hoaxes they’ve ever pulled off. The Republican Party is the one that wants the government to regulate healthcare decisions (not just abortion and contraception but also drug designations and keeping certain medicines illegal,…
Megyn’s timing is nothing if not perfect. Make nice with the guy who’s on his way out the door, and possibly on his way into prison. Perhaps she’s angling for the first interview behind bars. They may have trouble telling where his skin ends and the orange of his prison uniform begins.
As for supporting Trump, it’s more Trump hijacked the party,
Well, no. There are centrist Democrats. They vote in Democratic primaries to try to get more centrist Democrats nominated. Today continuing to register and vote Republican when the Republican Party is openly hostile to equal rights, to pro choice, to minorities, to gay marriage, to women, to our international allies,…
No, sorry. You can call yourself a conservative, or an “economic conservative, social liberal,” or however else you want to parse it, but if, after the last 15 years (26, really, at least), you still claim the mantle of “Republican,” you are indeed an asshole. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess they can get away with the live food due to the small episode count. The original Sweep had a lot of its food go rotten by the end of the season.
Yeah, in the Ruprecht version the meats were very obivously fake. People were lifting up and throwing supposed whole turkeys into their carts with no effort at all. And then also the way they would bounce upon landing in the cart, rather than thudding against the bottom.
I Liked what I saw, a lot.
Oh yeah. You could tell when they got defensive over their church. "It's about loving everyone. GOSH!" Yes, Chipper, and your church doesn't!
refusing to wade directly, explicitly into politics.
I don’t know why but I get the impression that we will be seeing a Falwell-type scandal from these two.