When wishing someone success, a wise person will consider what that persons goals and desires happen to be, and what the result will be if they achieve success. The success of a person with despicable goals are not to be wished for.
When wishing someone success, a wise person will consider what that persons goals and desires happen to be, and what the result will be if they achieve success. The success of a person with despicable goals are not to be wished for.
This is the reasoning he gave to Buzzfeed - the only reason anyone can continue to get away with this behavior is because people are afraid to speak up, so he decided to be the one to speak up. It’s incredibly courageous of him.
God. Everything is terrible. I feel terrible for Anthony Rapp and for all the other likely victims. I feel terrible that there are people who knew these things and didn’t do anything about them. And I feel terrible because there are homophobic losers all over Twitter delighted that a “hollyweirdo” is getting what’s…
I agree she and her fanny pack are an abomination.
Well, I hope the British press steps back a bit in light of the threat, it’s weird to click the Prince George link about terrorists threatening him at school, then see immediately below The Sun’s rundown on his daily school dinners.
Was it pointless? Absolutely. Did it make a lick of sense? Not even close. Am I gonna watch it again next year high out of my mind? Probably.
I was there in Murfreesboro! I had so many fellow white people tell me to ignore it and not show up, saying it wasn’t worth it and it was just giving them attention. Well so many of us showed up that those fucking assholes didn’t even come. It’s time for us ALL to start showing up against these pricks.
Restaurants offering unsweetened tea.
I started to attempt to write some witty comment, but honestly this doesn’t even need a caption.
Going off script saved me from getting mugged as well. Dude wanted cash and I *calmly* (I get weirdly calm at times like these) reached inside my bag to take it and give it to him. He apparently got tired of waiting for me to find my wallet, and then forcefully pulled on my bag. I don’t know what got to me, but I just…
Crap either that was the world’s most effective prank OR YOU WERE ALMOST MURDERED
I don’t know how the cat did it, but that cat was totally fucking with you.
This is not a ghost story, but a horrible human encounter. This happened about 4.5 years ago:
Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.
That story is why I am no longer allowed to read scary stories.
Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.