
Cynthia Nixon had signed on for a third helping of this turdfest while she’s deciding whether or not to run for governor of New York? I’d need to see the receipts on Cattrall being the only one not interested in this.

That’s the face of someone who’s had to deal with two people who hate each other using her as their vent about the other person.

Get me out of here, send help

Putting Michael on Team Cockroach is a pretty brilliant way of bringing a piece of “nice” Michael back to the show, particularly since there is a decent chance of exposure to the ‘roaches will help make him into a person—er—demon—more like “nice” Michael, too.

To be fair, Eleanor did ask about that when she was given the first tour in S1. She said something like “it didn’t seem fair” when Michael mentioned Florence Nightingale, I believe it was, didn’t make the cut.

Yeah, I’m with you here; I really miss the results of all that slow-burn bonding (although it was nice seeing more of Tahani this week just in general, even if she and Eleanor are back to sniping at each other). This episode did go out of its way to mention that the four humans have only known each other for a week in

I actually think it looks like the final twist, or perhaps one of the final twists, will be that they’re actually on purgatory, since they were just regular people (kinda shitty but with lots of psychological damage to justify their actions). That doesn’t explain the interactions between Michael and the other demons,

Agreed. I wonder if it’s going to end with the entire system being reset and the four getting to go back to living so they can act on their newfound character growth. Although, if the system gets reset, who knows if that would even matter?

IDK, it’s just fun to speculate where the hell this show is possibly going to

Honestly I thought something was up when I was watching the first season because I feel like any decent person would be worried about the people suffering eternal torture and unable to really enjoy heaven. But none of them worried about that at all. Even Chidi, to my memory.

I agree. Same with Eleanor. I mean she behaved a lot worse than Tahani did, but she had atrocious parents and had to emancipate herself at 14. Is it any wonder she ended up how she did? And if we’re supposed to be entirely unselfish in our motivations to help others ... well, everyone is going to The Bad Place,

This is exactly why the concept of heaven and hell has always seemed ethically corrupt to me. Is it Eleanor and Tahini’s fault that their family were tools? No. Sure, they could have rised above their upbringing. But it is, in my opinion, deeply unfair to expect them to. I just can’t imagine a truly just God being so

Relatedly, Chidi’s flashbacks strongly suggest an anxiety disorder, so as far as we know right now, actions (or in this case inactions) that are directly caused by mental illness ALSO accumulate negative points that will cause someone to be sent to the Bad Place.

Agreed. Honestly, I don’t think that trying to win one’s parents’ love is a CORRUPT motivation. I mean, a child shouldn’t have to win their parents’ love at all. Given the way Tahani’s parents treated her her entire life, plus what we now know about how Kamilah treated her as well, wanting to prove that she’s worth as

And you know what, fuck their parents too.

I hope Kamilah is in a REALLY bad Bad Place. Euuuugghhh.

Tahani and Eleanor’s relationship being torn down this season is disappointing, but I am sure that will just make it more fun when they rebuild it. (Please).

I think the show will address that. I mean season 2 is essentially a reboot and the current version of the bad place is only a week old. If we assume there won’t be any reboots in the near future, I’m sure Tahani and Elenaor will start to progress again.

Michael can’t see the future...but no, the Jacksonville Jaguars are never winning the Super Bowl.

Agreed on Tahani and Eleanor’s lack of progress being a bit disappointing, and on looking forward to Michael and Eleanor working together. Two former enemies having to work together and gradually realizing they kind of like each other is one of my favorite tropes.

I’m also sad that Tahani and Eleanor are essentially back to square one with each other but, on the other hand, I respect the show for acknowledging that these two wouldn’t be friends without a lot of time and character progression. (It is kind of nice that Jason is just always Jason.)