Megan Mullaly does not age. Asking for a guest appearance by Nick Offerman.
Megan Mullaly does not age. Asking for a guest appearance by Nick Offerman.
And, hell, while we’re at it, it’s “Sneak Peek” — not “Sneak Peak.”
More Karen. Yes. I am here for it.
Tacos rule!!!
As long as Anastasia Beaverhausen and her covert taco habit are part of the deal, I can support this reboot.
Yep. I am fully aware that nostalgia is the opiate of the masses and I say to that “bring that fucking Will and Grace mind blur on.” The world is difficult to navigate right now, Karen and Jack are the Oxycomedy I want.
I’m so tired of millionaire famous people and their dumb “beefs” with each other. I 💓 dirt bag and celebrity goss, but T Swizzle needs to fall back. Go enjoy the luxe life that wealth and fame afford you, and stop with the petty fake victimization that no one believes.
I’m excited for her to age. Popcorn gif
Julianne Moore Smizing into the Wind is my aesthetic.
I’m referring to the line of succession. The Queen is on the throne, she is no longer in line because she is queen. Charles, William, George, and Charlotte are all ahead of Harry.
It’s almost as if men AND women buy clothing and undergarments.
It’s almost as if men AND women buy clothing and undergarments.
I wholly agree with your general point in your OP, but down thread you’ve contradicted yourself with hearsay and assumptions of ill intent on Charles’ part that are really unfair. He, too, experienced a lot of trauma throughout his life, and he is by all accounts a devoted father. To paint him as some unfeeling task…
Celebrities! They’re just like celebrities!
I’m supposed to believe your dumb ass and your dumb ass friends would forget history if it wasn’t drawn on your money (or made a statue in your town for that matter)? I say prove it.
The title for all political posts nowadays could read “Racist and dangerous morons do more racist, dangerous, moronic things” and leave it at that.
“He described Jackson’s presidency as a model for his own, declaring ominously: “Wait till you see what’s going to be happening”
Despite what some people want to pretend as part of their agenda, you cannot leap frog over heirs. Outside of a massive tragedy that eliminates the four people ahead of him, Harry is never going to be king. It just doesn’t work that way. And the reality is that people always complain about the heir when it is clear…
Oh totally, if all the Camilla shit hadn’t been so well documented as starting before Diana even came into the picture, we would be looking at an entirely different narrative.
I really agree. I watched a documentary that talked about how Prince William really didn’t want to walk behind Dianas coffin, but he was pressured into it because the people wanted to see him there. It really horrified me; he and his brother were the 2 people who were most affected and yet they were yanked into the…
We’re supposed to be fragile, we’re supposed to be needy, we’re supposed to never know our own beauty or value ourselves for our accomplishments or character traits or body, but be always humble. And then when a woman takes it too far, is too fragile, is too needy, hates herself too much, she’s hysterical and society…