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Divorce is so unseemly. Somebody has to die.
Maybe Kevin couldn’t wait.
Divorce is so unseemly. Somebody has to die.
Chin up, Erinn Hayes, this is probably a blessing in disguise. For starters, you don’t have to kiss Kevin James anymore.
Zollinger posted a horribly written screed from conservative outlet the American Thinker, in which a writer named Patricia McCarthy calls “[t]he ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat, and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of racist and Nazi sympathizer”
You are my first hire! Horrormark is an inspired name so you can be Chief Creative Director.
13/10 would stream your Horrormark channel.
I just invented a new genre in my head - Hallmark Horror. I would love to see Hallmark’s take on a horror movie. The film would begin just like their cheesy Xmas movies - heroine has car trouble and has to remain in a quaint small town that is full of hot single men who all want to date her. But not all is as it…
Every Hallmark Christmas movie:
Yea let’s be real here. That channel is hella white and its demographic is hella white. I watch it a good bit during the holidays and that is something that bothers me.
I’ve had When Calls the Heart on my Netflix radar for ages, because BOY do I love a costume drama! But I’m a born atheist and faith stuff makes me queasy, so you have saved me some time.
Ever since it became apparent that “conservative” news is simply a sounding board for corporations and politicians to mold their viewers... I ain’t trusting entertainment that is rubber stamped by Christians.
I tune in for The Golden Girls reruns, and all I can say is, the original content they advertise for seems like the whitest shit that has ever been made.
Oh no no no no no no no. This is the channel I can’t stand. My mom, too, gets glued to it. I can’t. I just can’t. It’s unrealistically sappy and saccharine and I feel like I need to watch a 10-hour reel of explosions and car chases as a unicorn chaser every time it’s on.
Yet they cannot be bothered to hire POC to lead any of their movies or shows. I watch Hallmark movies occassionally and they’re cute fluff for the most part but it continues to bother me how vanilla their casting is, be it movies or shows.
My mom went through a stage of watching the Hallmark channel after my dad died. She watched all of their awful Xmas movies multiple times because it was a mindless comfort for her - she didn’t have to think and everything has a happy ending and no one dies at the end. One of the Property Brothers played a villainous…
Janet Oke is the Danielle Steele of the “Inspirational Fiction” section at the library.
I wish there was a channel with the balls to run a line up like..... whatever that was in the mid 90s. Hercules - Xena - Sinbad - Queen of swords. My childhood tv was schlock, and amazing for it