
Oh shit! Totally busted! If I wanted to keep walking this Occam’s razor I’d note comments are informal usage where published works should be formal. But that would be jackassery of the highest order so I’ll admit defeat. Thank you to you, @ninjapiraterobot, and the professor (@Starling). This has actually been

Family can suck. I’ve had to have some really, really difficult conversations with mine lately (fortunately none of them are “Nazi in the street type crazy,” just “average Republican crazy”) and it’s just been...hard. Luckily my sister and I are on the same page about most things, so we have each other’s back, but

People might use it, since that is plural. A person shan’t.

“Their” is a perfectly acceptable pronoun here. The “rule” that “their” shouldn’t be used as a singular is an outdated concept stemming from early Victorian grammar books which claim that it was “wrong,” even though people have been using “they” and “their” as singular pronouns for centuries.

“I find that white men often threaten women and people of color in online spaces to terrorize us and remind us that white supremacy and misogyny are all around us, even when we’re in public spaces, and then gaslight us and act like cowards when they are called out,” Bracey Sherman said.

I have a game on my phone where you literally just spell words at each other. It’s not even as complex as Scrabble; your opponent will send you two letters from their word that you have to use in your next one.

Men finding new ways to be creeps.

I’m sure it’s already been assigned a number, but there definitely is a Rule out there that anytime any person invents a new technology whereby images can be sent, someone is going to “share” unwanted dick pics on it.

“We all salute the same great flag”

I’m impressed at how well they reattached Trump’s arm after all the twisting that must have been necessary to get him to do this.

He also floated the idea of pardoning Joe Arpaio just after these comments. He’s signalling as clearly as possible that he is still willing to go to bat for Nazis and white supremacists.

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

“Please believe my lying ass instead of your own eyes and common sense. Please?”

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Yeah, I think we’ve had enough, thoughts, prayers, and vaguely worded “concerns”. How about some action?

Cvjetanovic said:

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

The scumbag Nazis and other assorted hate filled vermin who were not ashamed to show their faces are probably shocked that anyone would doxx them and face subesquent actions. I told Mr Slap a Trump last night that the firings and other closed doors will roll in today much to rheir surprise/chagrin. Welcome to reality,