
Does it make you feel slightly better to know that I am going to motherfucking DANCE into the polling booth to cancel out that person’s vote?

The former, it appears. This protest was taking place during the Mothers of the Movement speech.

Y’all, I am in tears over here. This moment is beautiful. My sister, my tiny new baby niece - they are living in a time when they could conceivably be president.

Oh, lord. This explains that wackadoodle comment on a friend’s Facebook post earlier. The email, despite its atrocious grammar, is clearly referring to Trump’s racist gaffe.

I’m tempted. Hill help me, I am tempted to get into it, but I have already gotten into it with a family member over this Bernie or bust nonsense. I probably shouldn’t add a public screaming match with a stranger to the stress of this week.

He’s in the Independence Visitors’ Center, entranced by the constant loop of National Treasure.

Ditto! I’m stupidly excited, though - I’m getting to go to some of the convention shenanigans tomorrow.

Yeah, that’s the river.

Welcome to Philly, y’all!

Solid Lysistrategy.

I’m planning to venture in on Wednesday. If I see either one, I’m buying the booze. I suspect they will need it by then.

Goddamn. Now THERE’S a framework that would have worked for Lohan’s Liz Taylor biopic on Lifetime. All I could think of after watching that was, appropriately, “I’m boooorrred.”

He really is a genuinely good person (from what I can tell as a former resident of VA), and his voting record clearly shows he is progressive enough to please everyone who doesn’t have their heads in the sand. I am here for this choice, however boring he might be (and he calls himself boring, too).

I have some sleeveless versions of this stuff, and I stand by them. I don’t even want shorts touching my body when it’s 98+ humidity. Nope. Bring me your muumuus, your caftans, your billowy tunics. Ok, maybe not the muumuus.

Well, that’s nightmare-worthy.

Except that would be twisted against the Code Pink protester. Because what did she intend with her radical message and all that? She should have known that would get the conventions goers all riled up. Note: this is probably already being said in some corners of the internet. :(

I just wonder if he brings her boxes of dogs.

That’s good to hear! I will venture back over there soon :)

Which is why I’m so heartbroken that io9 was folded into it as a sub-blog. I’m leery of posting over there now :(

Imma need someone from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books to review this when it comes out. I suspect this has the makings of an epic Book Rant.