
Happy birthday, fellow Cancer! Have a glorious time!

You make me feel like

It’s not that there aren’t good writers, or good ideas...it’s that the movie industry is notoriously risk-averse. Production companies want to make shit-tons of money, and taking a chance on some unknown idea is less likely to make them those shit-tons of money than a known property (even if said property started off

I saw Resurgence, and I knew going in it was going to be gloriously terrible. I laughed in all the wrong places. There are plot moppets in bunny hats, hurtling towards danger with a character from the first movie (none of whom had a reason to be in this sequel). There’s Liam Hemsworth doing his standard facial

Dammit. I didn’t even have to hit play for that song to get stuck in my head.

coming out of wherever

Sort of sounds like “It’s grounded.” I’m not hearing the “f” sound at all.

You weren’t kidding - that was fast!

That sounds like a variant of comeuppance. We can work with that...

Cosigned. You do a much better job of phrasing that than I could have.

I’m happy that Constance Zimmer was nominated (yay, UnREAL!), but bummed that Shiri Appleby didn’t get a nod for lead, too.

Now, if only she WINS. That woman deserves ALL the awards!

I do dig that she wasn’t apologizing for what she said, merely that she said it publicly. That’s a pretty important distinction.

Yup. Everything about this profile is gross...including the fact that the NYT published it.

Errr. Why?

If you go to the “profile” itself, you’ll see it’s illustrated solely with pictures of Natalie Portman in two-piece bathing suits and sweaters. That’s it. Beautiful mind, indeed.

This seems like an excellent place to break out one of my favorite bad recipes, “Late Night Bacon.” Click all the way through to read the comments - the Internet has a collective field day with it. The others at this link are equally batshit....

I’m with you - I’m mildly terrified, but I’m also anxiously awaiting the next installment. I have popcorn.

Methinks his use of “purist” was a bit more revelatory of his intentions than he really wanted it to be...