Hearing that some reps have pillows and comforters really makes me want to watch the blanket fort episode of Community. Maybe tomorrow, though, when I am not glued to the CSPAN.
Hearing that some reps have pillows and comforters really makes me want to watch the blanket fort episode of Community. Maybe tomorrow, though, when I am not glued to the CSPAN.
And has been in office since I was a child, which was mumble-mumble years ago. With all of the controversy surrounding all of the other state politicians at the moment, he is likely looking like an “honest politician” who, um, stands by his guns and is impossible to vote out this cycle.
Oof. Me too. Glad to know I wasn’t alone.
I get where you’re coming from, but yeah, that is crass. I wouldn’t call their deaths “nothing,” even if the number is comparatively low. That community was completely devastated by their deaths, especially the manner in which they occurred (on live tv, which is what you were discussing). Media coverage was around the…
The Roanoke reporter and camera operator getting gunned down on live tv didn’t change their minds, either. I don’t even think a massive televised attack would do it.
And Blake Lively is Deadpool-ed.
I like you. #picklesforever #exceptbreadandbutterthosearegross
Come back to it! This season is goooooood.
Yes to all of this. I think a few of my friends back home were there.
This image makes my heart swell for my home. Thank you for sharing.
That’s a picture of Levine with Grimmie, not with his wife. It was taken when she was on the show, I’m presuming. It’s intended as a tribute to her, not mugging for the camera.
That is a good one - how about Neville? He looks like a wee Neville.
Oh, God, y’all, I am in love with semi-stupidly expensive face care now. Has anyone else tried Drunk Elephant’s stuff? I have oily, acne-prone skin, but their facial bars and moisturizer have calmed all that nonsense down (even during the summer heat and humidity!). I don’t get hormonal breakouts any more. I just…
Are you reading PreviouslyTV? A few of the same folks are over there. It’s not the same, but it’s still great.
It’s a beautiful thing to behold.
Which seems so appropriate for Trump, yes?
I do like the idea that he has the mushiness and vague stench of room temp Velveeta, though.
I was traumatized by the acrid stench of Glade candles for a long time. They burn my nostrils. Given that, the name only seems appropriate for Trump :)
The best part is that it took that melted Glade candle TWO HOURS to come up with his comeback about how long it took Hillary to respond. This has been killing me all evening, y'all.